Niki Good & Hideto Heshiki 079 488 75 89


Niki Good

After my career as a contemporary dancer in 2004 and the birth of our son I changed my professional profile and founded 2008 Goodtraining. In the beautiful rooms I have found the silence and space to work as a shiatsu and acupuncture therapist, as well as including my knowledge in movement methods like Yoga, Gyrotonic and Pilates.


2023 NHP mit eidg. Diplom, TCM Acupuncture & Tuina
 2021 Branchenzertifikat OdA Komplementärtherapie Shiatsu
2019-20 Yin Yoga with Paul & Suzee Grilley
2018 Hatha Vinyasa Yoga (Yoga-Alliance 200h Teacher Training) in Okinawa, Japan
2016-2018 Buddhist Psychology study-course with Lharampa Tenzin Kalden
2017 SVEB 1 certificate adult educator
2016 Certificate in TCM „Tuina“, Biomedica Zürich
2015 Certificate in TCM „Acupunctur“ at
Biomedica Zürich. 
2011 Certificate in Shiatsu, HPS Luzern
2007 Diploma in Shiatsu: Ohashiatsu® NYC, USA
2007 Diploma in Stott Pilates Level 1 & 2
2005 Certificate in Gyrotonic Trainer Level 1



Fall 2014, 3 month study-stay in Taipei, Taiwan
March 2013, Acupunctur-workstudy amat the National Hospital of Traditional Medicine in Hanoi, Vietnam
From October 2013 -16 apprenticeship at the Schulpraxis, Biomedica, Zürich

Further Education

2021 "Shen and the treatment of psychological disorders" with Dr. Yair Maimon, Chiway Winterthur
2020 "Roots of Disease" with Dr. Hamid Montakab, Chiway Winterthur
2019 "Management  of Grief and Post Traumatic Stress" mit Dr. Hamid Montakab, Chiway Winterthur
2016 Electroacupunctur in pain therapy, David Mück
2013 Muskeltestungen im Meridiansystem, Joseph V. Müller,
Ben Shen Schule Zürich
2012 Gyrotonic® Application for Pelvic Girdle
2012 Nachdiploms-Studiengang „Shiatsu als Therapie“ an der
HPS Luzern mit Peter Itin
2010 Gyrotonic® Breathing Workshop mit J. Horvath
2009 Gyrotonic® Level 2
2008 Gyrotonic® Applikationen für Skoliosis

Since 2013 practicing tibetian Meditation.

Working Collaboration

Since June 2012 helping out as a special therapist for Shiatsu and Med. Qi Gong at the Privatklinik Hohenegg, Meilen. Mainly working with depression, fear, Burnout, psychosomatic problems and posttraumatic disorder.

Since 2009-2015 leading the courses „Active Relaxtraining“ for students of the University of Zurich, as well as helping out at the ASVZ (Pilates und Yoga). 

Co-founder of GOODTRAINING, May 2008