This is on of the 5 branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine which are:
Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, Tui-Na, Dietetics and Qi-Gong.
This alternative medicine form works involving thin needles inserted into specific acupuncture points. Varying the deepness of inserted needles influences the energy flow and regulates / harmonizes bodyparts, organs and tissues.
Normally the insertion of the needles do not cause any pain, just a small prick or tingling sensation.
Before an acupuncture treatment, there is a diagnostic talk as well as the examination of pulse and tongue condition. This aims to get a complete picture of the disturbance and choose then the appropriate therapy. Often acupuncture treatments are combined with fire cupping, Tui-Na massage, hotpacks, gua-sha or electro-acupuncture.
Indications (a.o.) :
- orthopedic problems / muscle myogelosis
- shoulder-arm-syndrome
- disc hernia
- tennis elbow
- neck pain
- sleeping disorder / insomnia
- headache / migraine
- constipation / diarrhea
- Burn-out
For appointments please contact your therapist directly: